I4C Giveback Day 2022

Event Recap
Last Sunday, I4C held our annual Giveback Day at Our Big Kitchen. Giveback Day is a day for I4C’s internal members, sponsors, and trainee analysts to come and participate in an event as a society to give back to our community.
As the cost of living is continuously increasing, we recognised that it is getting harder for individuals to put food on their plates. At Our Big Kitchen, we were given the opportunity to cook meals for distribution to people that need it most throughout Sydney. This opportunity provided us with the privilege to give back to the community whilst also allowing us to bond.
From this event, we were able to prepare a total of 138 meals which will be distributed throughout various shelters and charities throughout Sydney.
Special thanks to our sponsor Michael Li from Antipodes Partners for coming out and supporting the community alongside I4C.

What is Our Big Kitchen?
Our Big Kitchen (OBK) is a community run, non-denominational, industrial kitchen where meals are prepared for distribution to needy people across Sydney. OBK undertakes food rescue, working closely with organisations like SecondBite and Foodbank to minimise waste and turn fresh produce into home cooked meals. OBK prepares and distribute more than 250,000 meals and support 33+ charities and thousands of individuals.
Thanks to Founder Rabbi Dr Dovid Slavin for his inspiring speech to us about philanthropy and best wishes in expanding OBK to Los Angeles!
If you want to learn more about Our Big Kitchen check out their website here